Ancient Prophets of Arabia

Ancient Prophets of Arabia

Author: Mostafa Badawi

The emphasis however in this book is to return the reader to the purpose of these accounts being shared with us by the Almighty. To move the reader away from the ‘history’ of these Men of God and to the greater lesson to be drawn from them.

Book type: Hardback

No. of pages: 234

Dimensions: 23.4 x 20 x 2.5cm

Weight: 1140gr

Date published: 12/02/2012

ISBN: 9780952085348



The emphasis however in this book is to return the reader to the purpose of these accounts being shared with us by the Almighty. To move the reader away from the ‘history’ of these Men of God and to the greater lesson to be drawn from them. To catch a glimpse of the divine plan unfolding and ultimately culminating in the final section of the book. The Seerah of Prophet Muhammad ﷺ.

“Dr. Mostafa Badawi is a scholar of great benefit, whose books address topics often neglected by others. He always has new things to say and his works, if studied well, repay the student abundantly. Arabia is terra incognita for too many people around the world and particularly in the West. Far from being a wasteland, it is a vast ocean of spirituality and its lost history of Prophetic activity is well-explored her. Dr Badawi is like a great explorer unearthing Rosetta Stones of lost knowledge for us. He has done the hard work, and left for us the sheer enjoyment of pursuing the treasures he has unearthed.”

– Shaykh Hamza Yusuf [Zaytuna Institute]

“A sweeping narrative of epic proportions told by a master story-teller. Al-Badawi unearths gems from the archives of the Abrahamic traditions, making this contribution to the sira literature not only welcome, but unique. Reading this book is like taking a step back into ancient history with a learned guide holding your hand. Al-Badawi inspires, moves and leaves the reader in awe, as his erudition unearths the deep spiritual insights into the lives of the ancient Prophets of Arabia.”

– Aftab A. Malik [Amal Press]

Additional information

Weight 1.136 kg

4 reviews for Ancient Prophets of Arabia

  1. Nis

    Everyone should have a copy of ancient prophets of Arabia. Epic book.

  2. Hassan

    In this excellent book Dr. al-Badawi attempts to piece together archaeological and scriptural evidence to place the Prophets of Arabia in their historical context. In today’s world of increasing scepticism towards everything spiritual it is important to marry the archaeological and historical evidence with that of the scriptures so as to reassure seekers of the veracity of the Quran. Of course this atrempt is not meant to be 100% accurate as the Quran does not provide any concrete idea as to the time and place of its stories, rather the focus is on teaching a lesson.

    The book also details the recurring arguments of the non-believers across time as they not only disbelieve but also abuse the Prophets of God until their eventual reckoning. These stories serve as a reminder to search for the people of God and strive to learn from them as well as to not wrong them especially when their sainthood is clearly evident.

    It starts with prehistoric Arabia and the Arabic Prophets such as Hud and Shua’yb as well as the Prophet Ibrahim and his progeny until the final Prophet Muhammad.

  3. Asad

    Beautiful hardback cover with excellent stories and references. Fits the very high standard that Dr Mostafa Badawi sets himself.

  4. Hassan

    In this excellent book Dr. al-Badawi attempts to piece together archaeological and scriptural evidence to place the Prophets of Arabia in their historical context. In today’s world of increasing scepticism towards everything spiritual it is important to marry the archaeological and historical evidence with that of the scriptures so as to reassure seekers of the veracity of the Quran. Of course this atrempt is not meant to be 100% accurate as the Quran does not provide any concrete idea as to the time and place of its stories, rather the focus is on teaching a lesson.

    The book also details the recurring arguments of the non-believers across time as they not only disbelieve but also abuse the Prophets of God until their eventual reckoning. These stories serve as a reminder to search for the people of God and strive to learn from them as well as to not wrong them especially when their sainthood is clearly evident.

    It starts with prehistoric Arabia and the Arabic Prophets such as Hud and Shua’yb as well as the Prophet Ibrahim and his progeny until the final Prophet Muhammad.

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